Men Just Don't Get It.... !
It's true, men really just don't get it!!Mr Wong Hoong Hui wrote to Today's Voices ('Event was Sexist and Anti-Male', 15th Sept) calling the all-women event Century Square sexist. Hmmm.... Are you sulking that no men organisers could come up with such an event or are you jealous of what we can get, and you can't?I don't think that this event is sexist. Anyway, there are even female-only gym slots. Female-only spa parlours. And of course, Ladies Night at pubs. Are all these organised/set up with a sexist inclination? No, it's a gimmick, it's a promotional tactic, it's an advertising campaign with maximum exposure! These events are not ANTI-anybody. To play sexist, it's to condemn the opposite sex, to belittle them, to ostrocise them. I don't believe any of these female-only events/outlets organisers/owners have any of such notion to start off with. The same with female-only and male-only washrooms, we just need some privacy. Female-only spa parlous are out there to serve a niche market. If men do want some privacy and if this niche market is big enough, go carry one out. Same goes, if organisers thinks that it will create enough positive exposure, profit-churning advertising/promotional event to have an all guys night, go ahead!!
To All Americans....
To All Americans....It's not that I feel glad that terrorism has chosen America as the main target.It's not that I jumped for joy at the natural disaster that New Orleans had just went through.But I just feel that these events will help you all grow to learn more about yourself and the world. I can't deny that some Americans are well-travelled. Some are globally in-sync. But it shows that most Americans are still quite blinded about your own status and standings.Now you know, that US is not that invincible, your twin towers are quite vulnerable, as proven by Osama.Now you know, that US is not that highly intellectual, when your army officials are beginning to doubt their own accuracy in the military reports presented to Mr Bush, to assist him in the deicison-making for the attack on Iraq.Now you know, that US is not a staunch believer of equal human rights anymore, when they have devices to track individual emails going throught the net, when they flip all your belongings inside out at the security check points to try to curb terrorist acts, when they set up hidden cameras to pry into the behaviours of passer-bys on the streets, etc....Now you know, that US is not that caring afterall, when your disaster-stricken New Orleanders were not well taken care of, with so much complaints and dissatisfactions voiced.Now you know, that other countries will also chip in to help, and that not only US is the only goody-two-shoes out there who is ever so willing to help the others. Sri Lanka donated money to help New Orleans, when they themselves are, I believe, still hard up for cash to rebuild their own country.Now you know, that Americans yourself are as rowdy, as selfish, and as criminally-inclined as any Iraqi soldiers, when military helicopters can get fired at while trying to execute evacuations.Now you know, that some Americans are as lack of morals as they can get when disaster struck. Looting happened mostly to satisfy basic needs, but when rapings/shootings/looting for computers, etc.... happened, we can see the true side of these Americans instead.And now, you may all start to realise, that the false front that the American government had tried to put up, about how democratic they are, about how caring they are, about how helpful they are towards other countries, are mostly a facade. Do you still believe that US invade Iraq purely to free the Iraqis from their then tyrant?Do you still believe that US treats each individual with equal human rights as how they preach the China government?And if it really is so that other countries are slow to respond to US's call for aids when in times of need, it just shows where you stand in the hearts of others!
Polygamy - A Step Back from Civilisation
I shudder at the thought of a civilised, democratic society going back to the polygamy state of marriage. I shudder at the notion of Ms Jasmine Soh Hui Tsan's view of allowing a polygamous arrangement in her future marriage ('Pondering Polygamy', Today, 3rd Sept 05).I have a feel that Ms Jasmine Soh is a woman age more than 30 years old and has not been in a love relationship yet, if so, maybe not a long one, or has not been in one for a long time. She gives me a feeling that she does not treasure the love that is supposed to hold a relationship together. Or maybe she does not understand what is love, or does not know how to love. Or is she just proposing for a backdoor out in case she is to stray in the future?I can't imagine me having a few lovers and telling each one honestly and sincerely that I do indeed love him with all my heart, knowing truly well that at some time later, when I'm with another man, I won't feel the same again for this current him. And when I meet him the next time, it's the same talk of love all over again. You mean you won't feel a sense of betrayal, Ms Jasmine Soh?