Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Putfile is as immature as it gets . . .

Maybe it's a marketing gimmick. The results are not yet known if the act of banning users based in Singapore has backfired or had it indeed help in improving their profit.

But personally, I think the Putfile management is as immature as it gets.

'Putfile prefers to not continue to provide our free uploading service to a country that executes prisoners by hanging, a method of execution which can take up to six minutes to painfully execute the victim.'

So disapproving hanging as a method of execution results in banning the users based in that country. Does that mean that, by not banning other users based in other countries who chose the firing squad, electricution and lethal injection, and those users who rape and murder, you are actually very approving to these acts? To be executed by a firing squad, will not cause immediate death. To be executed by electricution, may not cause immediate death. Lethal injection, I head too, may not be that painless. And rape and murder culprits are definitely not at all very holy in their way of torturing their victims. So why not just ban everybody from using your site, since you rate your morals so high.

Have any of the management of Putfile gone through hanging? Or electricution? Or stand through the firing squad? Or took the lethal injection? Who are you to insist that hanging is the most babaric of any other execution method? Seriously, if you want the most painless way of dying, I think feeding the convict carbon monoxide is the most painless way to die, even better than lethal injection. The lack of oxygen caused one to fall asleep and die in his/her sleep....painlessly! Why not evaluate my suggestion, and see if you will consider banning US and the many other countries who still carry the capital punishment? Anyway, as a matter of fact, execution by hanging is quite an immediate death, if you have not educate yourself enough to keep up with times.

Oh, if you Putfile management have not known, Bush admitted to making mistakes while invading Iraq. So many innocent civilians were killed by his mistakes. So many homes destroyed. Kids, women, elderlys, die FOR NO APPRARENT REASON because of his mistakes. Do you mind banning US users for me too, unless you don't think these acts are barbaric enough. Or are you just practising double standards? That all the Iraqis' lives killed because of Bush's mistakes were worthless compared to one convicted drug smuggler from the rich and modern Australia. And if Australians did not raise the same degree of uproar when the Bali bombers who killed so many Australians get hanged, will you consider that barbaric enough to ban Australians then? For practising double standards with regards to other countries citizens who kill, and their own countrymen who kill.

Yes, you are private service provider who is of course free to do what you want. Don't fret then, cos the whole world also have the right to comment on if they like or dislike the way you handle this issue. You chose a way to tell us your opinions, we won't force you to bring back the service (I don't think we miss much anyway) for Singaporeans, but we will like to tell you our opinions too.

And so you had point out the error that Putfile is based in Australia, state where you are then. If you are so brave as to react with a ban, be brave enough to tell us where you are based then. We'll like to see if your country practises the capital punishment too, how the death penalty is carried out (if any), and if you are hypocritical enough not to ban your own nation's users but to ban another nation's users who shares the same treatment given to drug convicts.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Sydney Racial Riots

It may be politically correct not to admit that a Racial Riot is breaking out in Sydney, but I hope this will not be swept under the carpet. Mr John Howard may not want to name it a racial riot, but he may really want to give the Australians racist mentality a hard look.

It's not explicitly talked about, but it does exist.

My friends who stayed in Perth for some years had experienced it now and then. For eg. not getting immediately attention or waiting for extensively long for a police action when their car was hit. Unless Perth's sheriffs are any less efficient then Singapore's, they would say that the prolonged wait was simply because Chinese are treated as second class citizens in the country.

I had went to Sydney and Brisbane on a tour just this year. The hostility felt was not something that I would say, was just a one off incident. My hubby was waiting for me at a bench in the Gold Coast. He had paper & sorts thrown at him from some losers standing on the second floor balcony of the building beside the bench. When he looked up, they rudely jeered.

Gold Coast is a tourist attraction, but the locals there are in no way friendly towards tourist. Sydney is the city with the most number of immigrants in Australia, but still, rude remarks were passed when Chinese patronise their store.

The current racial fights are outrightly telling the Australians to hit back at 'Lebs and Wogs'. I don't know how else not to acknowledge the fact that this is indeed a racial fight.

It may just show that racial discrimination runs deep in Australians. It is a fact hard to ignore, and difficult to cure.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Australians who demanded clemency for Nguyen, wake up your ideas....!

It's getting ridiculous!!! Please tell me that it is a blown up exaggeration when the tabloids are giving accounts of Australians turning their backs against Singapore & Singaporeans just because their dear drug trafficker is given a death penalty.

Australians have kept their silence (which is also an implication of approval) when the bombers killed fellow countrymen holidaying in Indonesia were convicted and sent to the death row. But when Australians themselves are being brought to justice when they are in fact, putting other lives in dangers from drug trafficking, they put up such a huge fight, even amounting to boycotting, to condemn Singapore of the death penalty. What shows!?!? Double standards! As long as someone kills Australians, they are to die for it. But as long as Australians kill, they are to be spared on grounds of compassion?

Did too much beers get into their heads?

Or the media has not shown enough footage and coverage on the harmful effects and the victims of drug addicts? Did it not struck a cord in them when they witness how the drug mules/traffickers had directly or indirectly caused these drug addicts to come to these terrible ends?

Mr John Howard, I know 'It's not hypocritical, it's just human.' to feel this way. It's one issue to feel human, and another to reason out what's the right thing to do when emotions subside. If Nguyen was to be led off, and if this opens the flood gates to many other drug syndicates to look for Australians as drug mules, and if the social problems spun downwards in Australia, will you by then feel human enough and turn back to blame Singapore for sparing the rod on Nguyen?

If you ask the murderers why they kill, if you ask the drug traffickers why they traffick, 10 out of 10 will have their own stories to tell. Are you going to plead clement for all of them on grounds that their stories are colourful and touching enough such that justice does not need to be upheld?

If you ask all those sitting in the prison waiting for execution, if they had regreted what they had done, will you expect anyone to say a 'No'? Even if the answer is a 'No', this convict will definitely have another revealing and touching story to tell you why they need to kill!

Have Australians watched too much soap opera to feel for every offender? If it's your family members who were killed by drugs, will you be cheering Singapore on with the death penalty, and swear to be a firm believer that the death penalty may have helped in deterring your family members from reaching their painful end? Or will you be still empathising with Nguyen and his family with their ordeal and hoping that he will indeed learn his lesson in the future?

At least Mr John Howard is level-headed enough not to announce a boycotting. Nguyen's actions were indirectly causing hurt to the nation and the society. I'm glad that Mr John Howard did not put the country's economy growth at risk for this kinda convicts with his irresponsible actions. Yes, Nguyen is pitiful, but he is an adult, who must answer to his own actions. And sorry to say, he did choose a wrong path.