Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Mrs Goh commits suicide too.....

Trust a lawyer to shoot herself in the toe! Luckily, she wasn't practising.

'For a person who runs a million-dollar charitable organisation, $600,000 is peanuts as it has a few hundred millions in reserves.' Mrs Goh CT

Mrs Goh, for goodness sake, stop acting like a stuck up tai tai who doesn't know the meaning of money-worth. Yes, you are rich! Yes, $600K is nothing to you! Yes, your husband may earn more than that! BUT COMMONERS LIKE US DO NOT!!!!! And where did NKF's funds come from? FROM US, COMMONERS!!!! FROM US WHO DO NOT EARN $600K A YEAR. WE DON'T SEE THE SHADOW OF IT EVEN IF WE USE BINOCULARS!!!!

Oh, and you said it's peanuts. So carry on and donate $600K to the other charities. It's peanuts, come on!

And oh, you mean it's peanuts compared to the FEW HUNDRED MILLIONS in reserves? Great! You just told us that we were conned! NKF has such huge reserves that $600K is nothing. Then why mislead us into believing that reserves only last for 3 years and that without our donations, NKF patients are not going to survive? Isn't this shooting yourself in the toe? And you'll probaby get a marksman for this! Hallelujah!

Insensitive brat! It's our hard earned money. And you just waved it off as 'peanuts'!!!!! Then we probably shouldn't have donated, caused we used all our efforts, donated from our miserable salary (if $600K is peanuts, then our $30K probably is atomic), to gather so much charity cash, and our dear Mrs Goh doesn't even lift an eyebrow to it cause it's only peanuts!

What a good way of showing gratitude!!! Mrs Goh CT.


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