Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Ridiculously Japan!!

It's a long debated issue, and till now, it still is... And why doesn't it end? Cos Japanese just can't live with the fact that their history has a stain.

As the saying goes, 'life's not about never to fall, it's about once you fall, you'll pull yourself up again and don't make the same mistake'!

Germany fell with Hitler's tyranny act against the Jews, but they are back up on their feet, putting the past behind them and striving on. This is what made them well-respected.

Japan fell, with the Second World War II's terrible massacre & ill-treament & dictatorship. But since then, they had never been able to put the past behind them, neither do the other nationals who had suffered. If ignoring to acknowledge is a wrong, then skewing history facts in attempt to right the wrong is ultimate sin.

The author of 'Atrocities that just can't be lied away' (Today, 22 Aug '05) has indeed hit the nail on the head. 'Japan will have to live with the ghost of it's inglorious past until it is prepared to let it rest, with the due recognition that history cannot be rewritten.' They are the exact ones who will not let the matter rest, because they do not have the courage to admit that they had indeed faulted.

Does this mean that they still have a strong belief that whatever they did was right? In this democratic, civilised and humane century (at least until 3 years ago, ignore the bit about the Iraq war by US & terrorism on the rise), their steadfast denial of the dark part of history will send chills down the bones of some. It seemed that they are implying that if they could rewind the clock, they would still do exactly what they had done before, and not regret it any bit lesser. And if they ever meet with a situation similar to those days now, they will still be doing exactly what they had done then too.

This further proves Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's speech at the United Nations Security Council. 'Only a country that respects history, takes responsbilities of the past and wins over the trust of the people in Asia and the world at large can take greater responsibilities in the international community.' If Japan doesn't see a humane behaviour the same degree as what the world sees it now, it's most risky to put big responisiblities in their hands and just pray hard that they know what they are doing.

It is unfair for the young Japan population to be kept in the dark, and lied to, by the older generation just because the older generation refuse to admit the stain in their history. More atrocities as such, how can a minister, an Education and Culture Minister, make such irresponsible and insensitive remark that he was deeply moved by a Japanese woman studying in Canada who wrote an email saying 'the victimised women in Asia should be proud of being comfort women'. If so, please do your own mother and countrymen proud too, you are capable of it, you are a woman as well.

It's no wonder there were outrages going on in all parts of the world when Japan decides to change its history textbooks to cover their darkest past. From the civilians to the ministers, they don't seem to talk sense.

And is prostitution the most honourable trade in Japan? It makes me think!!!


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